“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Spiritual Counseling
The gateway to understanding who you are as a spiritual being having a human experience.
I specialize in spiritual counseling for personal growth, and understanding life path and life purpose. My experience has shown me that spiritual understandings have profound benefits for each of us. Spiritual wisdom can resolve feelings of disconnection, confusion, disharmony and even health issues.
Finding answers and insights to your pressing questions are what I do best. Discovering insights will help you to understand who you are, why you are here, what your purpose in this life is, and other similar questions.
I can teach you how to access higher wisdom on your own. This includes learning how to slow down the mind, come off autopilot, let go of control and tune in to your own intuition.
Spiritual counseling and understanding go beyond an intellectual understanding or using willpower to change thinking and behavior. Instead, I teach you how to quiet your mind and observe yourself with compassion creating an openness for higher levels of awareness. This awareness allows you to experience thoughts and emotions without becoming triggered or controlled by them. It strengthens the connection to the bigger picture of who you are and the divine realm of infinite possibilities. With this type of work, you can cultivate inner freedom, joy, resilience, and wellness.

“The spiritual life is not a life before, after, or beyond our everyday existence. No, the spiritual life can only be real when it is lived in the midst of the pains and joys of the here and now.”
- Henri Nouwen
Julie's Approach
Open Channels of Communication with the Divine
My life-long experiences of receiving messages from our creator, benevolent guides, and a wide range of metaphysical experiences, have fueled my path of spiritual exploration and have sharpened my natural gifts. I am not a medium or psychic. To the contrary, my gift is the ability to tune in to the spiritual realm to guide the process for OTHERS. I help others receive the connection, communications, and wisdom for spiritual guidance.
“I help my clients learn how to tune in to intuition for lifelong ability to access higher wisdom from the spiritual realm.”
~ Julie
Work with YOUR Spiritual/Religious Beliefs
With the understanding that each individual experiences divine communications differently, my style is to be open-minded, compassionate, and non-judgmental. I create a safe and protected environment that respects your individual religious and spiritual belief systems. I enable direct channels of communication to the Divine. This process begins by teaching you how to hear the voice of creator, discern between communications from creator and your own mind, and how to create a spiritual sanctuary within you.

Potential Benefits from the Sessions
Discover the purpose for your life.
Uncover the purpose of each of your significant relationships with loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, bosses, contacts and adversaries.
Understand the purpose of major life events.
Increase peace and fulfillment.
Move forward… getting “unstuck”.
Soothe grief.
Gain closure with passed-on loved ones.
Improve relationships.
Expand confidence and self-esteem.
Improve inner knowing, wisdom and intuition.
Train the mind to slow down.
Develop self-observation, introspection, and insight.
Discern conditions from our true values.
Turn-off auto-pilot and move into a state of presence.
Learn to stay centered during stressful times.
Eliminate crutches and distractions.
Listen to intuition rather than using willpower.
Release barriers and practice acceptance.
Learn how to communicate and receive messages from the divine and guides.
Learn how to clear away negative thoughts and negative outside influences.
Create more inner strength and personal power.
"Julie's spiritual approach to healing is unique. Her calming voice and process helped me through a tough time. She gently guided me on an exploration to uncover the deeper spiritual roots of a situation which caused conflicts in a very important relationship. She gave me the perfect tools to continue to use when faced with this conflict again and other similar situations. I am happy to report that this relationship is healing! I now move forward without anxiety because I have a process that works." Diana L.,

Spiritual Counseling Programs

Finding Your Life Purpose Program
When you know why you are here, it all makes sense.
Are you curious about why you are here? What direction you should go? Is there more to your life than just paying the bills?​
Most cultures agree that every soul has a unique purpose. YOU are here for a reason. After many years of counseling, I noticed that “life purpose” seemed to be an important piece of the puzzle for each person’s inner peace and fortitude. Given the importance of this understanding, I developed a process that helps uncover why you are here on earth.
My program focuses on uncovering why you are here to have a life experience with all your unique situations and relationships. This is life purpose, which is different from life mission. Life purpose is the WHY; whereas life mission is the WHAT you want to achieve while here. Life purpose is more personal to your own internal growth, and reflects what you came here to learn and master. Life mission is what you came to “do” in the world. Everyone has a purpose, but not everyone has a mission or big goal.
Knowing kernels of wisdom about your life purpose and life mission (if you have one), provides insights into yourself. These insights might indicate why you feel the way you do, why synchronicities occur with certain people who cross your path, and why specific events occur in your life. After understanding life purpose, people report going from confusion to clarity and move forward in life with more gusto.
Program Includes:
2 - 50-minute sessions by phone or in person at the Apex, NC office
Deep dive exploration of why you are here
Life purpose distilled into a very simple easy to understand format
A look at defining moments in your journey so far
Tools and supports that empower your life path and specific life purpose going into the future
Personalized positive affirmation phrases that relate to your life purpose
Program Fee: $299​

Spiritual Counseling Program: Six private one-on-one sessions
Clear away confusion, connect to the Divine and gain inner peace.
Going through a tough time and trying to make sense of the situation? When the world looks confusing, unfair, uncomfortable, or insane, it helps to have guidance to make sense of it all.
This program includes everything in the "Finding Your Life Purpose" program plus more. Together, we will explore a belief system that feels right to you based on your own personal experience and connection. We will explore ideas around your higher-self, guides, angels, life beyond earth, other dimensions, and other topics that you have questions about.
Program Includes:
Six, 50-minute sessions by phone or in person at the Apex, NC Office
Use of Mind Body Spiritual processes for calming and coping with a situation
Discover the purpose of a situation to gain insights and to use that wisdom as a strength
Other topics for which you need guidance
Program Fee: $799

Is this path right for You?
Your healing journey is as unique as your thumbprint. Schedule your free 20-min phone consultation to get your questions answered about your specific situation, concerns and needs. and discover if this path is a fit for you.