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My mission is to guide you back to the VITALITY you were born to enjoy!


Restore, Regenerate, THRIVE!

Horseback Riding
“After years of managing scoliosis, in three sessions with Julie, the pain in my neck cleared away, my hips evened out, and my back straightened up.”      Jodie Charton, client

Julie Stone

Healing Intuition and Holistic Health Practitioner

Julie’s intuitive abilities and years of research often result in profound physical, emotional and/or spiritual healing experiences.


"I have facilitated what some would call impossible... restoration of nerve damage, vertigo, inflammation, and a variety of other conditions and injuries during a session. Through the power of our creator, anything is possible."

The Pillars of Vitality

Recieving Flowers


  • Thoughts

  • Feelings/Emotions

  • Relationships

  • Trauma Recovery

  • Aspirations



  • Nutrients

  • Movement

  • Environment

  • Detox

  • DNA/Genes

Blade of Grass


  • Spiritual/Religious Beliefs

  • Purpose

  • Life Path

  • Inner Peace

  • Connection

Each element of the pillars of vitality work together harmoniously to help you maintain homeostasis. When any
one element goes out of balance for a prolonged period it can hinder your process to recover to your natural state of vibrancy. I focus on the foundation of well-being that supports your body's natural wisdom to restore itself.  

MRI Scan Image

“ My brother was in the hospital in critical condition.
After just the first session with Julie, my brother was pain free with immediate signs of improvement. That was amazing."

~  Johan M, client

Categories of Service

"Our greatest challenges are not our situations, rather, our lack of understanding the unlimited possibilities."
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Yellow Flower

Is this path right for You?

Your healing journey is as unique as your thumbprint. Schedule your free 15-min phone consultation to get your questions answered about your specific situation, concerns and needs. and discover if this path is a fit for you. 

Questions, Comments?
Easy. Send a message.


Thanks for submitting!

We'll get back to you as soon as possible. 


Julie Stone is not a medical doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist and does not make medical diagnoses. Julie Stone does not prescribe medications and/or medical treatments and she does not interfere with the prescribed medications and/or with medical treatments. Education and mind body sessions are not meant to replace your doctor or be a substitute for professional medical care or treatment. 


Julie Stone offers non-medical complementary educational services intended to support self-healing. There is no guaranteed outcome with  mind body sessions. For medical related symptoms and/or conditions, please consult a medical doctor. Julie Stone is a licensed practitioner of PWA (Professional Wellness Alliance).

Mind Body Healing Locations

Any where in the world by phone. 


Southern California (part-time)

Laguna Health and Wellness Center

24351 Moulton Parkway

Laguna Woods, CA 92637 USA

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